Friday 26 August 2016

My two new completions

I have always had a habit of starting things and after awhile getting bored and going on to something else. one of the reasons why I have so many UFOs in my sewing room.

After finishing my TOTT bag the other day, I finally decided that as I have heaps of materials for kids clothes I should do something with it before its too old to be of any use. After all, I did buy three new patterns a few weeks ago.

This is the results of two afternoons work and I have another cut out ready to go.

I am not sure what I bought te material for but I considered t not right for kids although I wouldn't wear it either so it has sat and sat. One of the patterns that I bought had similar fabric as the cover photo and it looked good so I used it. 

The frills were quite easy no gathering. I did also stop before I had finished the second one, after all it was ten minutes before afternoon tea but gave myself a good talking to and got it done. I had hand sewing to do around the facing on the neck but all done now.

Two pieces of fabric out of my stash but it doesn't seem to be getting any less.

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