Saturday 31 October 2015

Jamie Oliver's Super foods

Jamie has another TV program which started the other night. I like his food and enjoy cooking it, although I don't always follow exactly to what he does.

This is the greenery that I picked from the garden this evening. Lettuce, parsley, mint and basil.

Jamie did a (cant spell the word I want) dish using brown rice, parsley, mint, pomegranate and feta. 

Of course I forgot to buy feta but I was sure that I could get around that.

This was tonight's dinner, I added some cooked chicken in place of the feta. It was nice for a change. I didn't know if I could buy a pomegranate but yep, there they were in the supermarket. Our neighbours had a tree and their daughter and I used to eat then straight off the tree when we were kids and end up with wine coloured juice dripping off our hands. I don't know what they did with them except eat them raw. They are quite nice to eat but hard work to get at all the seeds.

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