Thursday 29 October 2015

Nanowrimo 2015

Its almost that time again. Last weekend I re-signed and made a donation, now I am ready to go on Sunday which is Nov first.

This year, I have decided to write a tongue in cheek  book. I have titled it the ABC of Aging and it will be either my own experience or experiences that I have heard about.

Using the Alphabet with its 26 letters, I figure that each chapter should have around about 2000 words, which will get me my total (50,000 words) for the month.

I have thought about some of the things that I can comment on such as Arthritis, Aches and Aids.

Going to work this morning with both hands on the steering wheel, I felt an itch on my knee, I removed my hand and scratched it. Placing my hand back on the wheel, I experienced an ache near the base of my thumb. Oh no, there's that dreaded arthritis! By the time I got to work the ache had gone away but tonight on the way home it started to ache again.

Warren bless his cotton socks massaged some of his sprain massage oil into it and it feels a bit better but still the ache is there when typing. Maybe I should stop but then IT has won.

I am hoping to have enough material, thoughts or just plain waffle to make the 50,000 words by the last day in November.

This will be my sixth Nanowrimo, the first one was our experiences about living and working in China, the second one was based on a few stories from my Grandfather that I had been told as a kid. The last three was a trilogy about a widowed young mum and her sisters in law. Each one I have started I have "won" which just means that I completed writing 50,000 words before the end of November, not that mine was selected as the best story.

Nanowrimo stands for National November writing month.

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