Tuesday 13 October 2015

Saving things for best

I grew up in a house hold that had a few things for "best". I especially remember a dinner set that Mum had that was Autumn shades which only came out at Christmas time when other family members came for Christmas. As Dad was one of three boys in the family that meant every three years as Christmas was shared around.

I really didn't like it when it was our turn to host as the Good dinner set had to be brought out and every piece washed and dried, guess who was home on school holidays and got that job under threat of death or worse if anything got broken. It was heavy too. Mum tried to give it to me years and years later and I turned it down saying that it didn't fit my colour scheme. I think it was a wedding present to them.

Some of this "only using for best" has grown up with me and rubbed off on me. Now that I am aware of it, I try to over come it. I  do have three dinner sets but none of them are special or kept for a particular reason.

Warren had a ring made for me when he worked in Cambodia, its a beautiful ring and yep, I have kept it for best or only when I go out so this ring in twenty years has not had that much of a showing. I put in on a few weeks ago when I was going out to lunch and I realised it was only the second time I had worn it this year.

Why am I keeping it??? It should be worn so since then I have worn it every day. I think if a stone falls out then I will get it fixed or stop wearing it if it cant be fixed but at least I will have the pleasure
of wearing it. It has two sapphires, two rubies and a diamond in the middle. Warren has always been concerned that the stones are not real but that doesnt bother me.

Oh, my goodness, my hands have gotten wrinkly, not sure when that happened!

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