Saturday 17 October 2015

Turkey, Brie and Cranberry

Yum, this was one of my favourite sandwiches to buy for lunch when i was working in Canberra nearly twenty years ago. It wasn't your usual run of the mill sandwich filling available just anywhere so about once a fortnight I would go a little further and meet a friend at the bus terminal to have lunch and this is what I would order.

I had forgotten all about this sandwich filling until we droppen into a very small township for lunch while we were in Tasmania. We had settled on driving to this town and then stopped for lunch. It was smaller than I had thought and we were thinking that we would have to go onto the next place as we hadn't seen any cafes/coffee shops/bakeries. Then bam! there was a grey corrigated iron place with a flapping sign out the front announcing coffee. That was good enough for us even though we had to do a uey to get there.

 (Its funny how things come into play in our unconscious minds, we are doing poetry at school and one of the things are using the sounds as words, I put bam! without thinking but reading back over what I had written realised it was because of yesterday's lesson, just dont ask me to spell the word, it has a nice ring though when its said)  

The menu options were small with only five sandwiches on offer and a soup but I had seen what I wanted, turkey brie and cranberry! Warren decided to go with that option as well, sometimes we order the same to make it easier and quicker.The sandwich was quite a bit dearer than I remembered paying in Canberra but that had been several years ago.

Our coffees were delivered in a very short time closly followed by our lunch. I hate it when ordering a meal/snack and a coffee and the drinks come out but then there is such a wait on the meal that I hve almost drunk my drink before the meal comes, I want to have them together so that was very nice for the two to be served within a minute or two.

Well, it may have cost $13 but what a spread! It looked like sour dough bread so quite a large sandwich with turkey and brie inside, it had been lightly toasted, just enough for the cheese to be pliable and a little runny when the sandwich was cut (had to cut it as the size was quite big) cranberry sauce was on the side served n on of those chinese type scoop spoon and then a salad on the plate as well. The plate was the size of a dinner plate. Yum! It was so nice.

That nice in fact that I have done the same for our lunch a couple of times since we have been back. Mine doesn't look quite the same but the taste is pretty good and its cheaper.

The deli where I have been buying cold meats have been cutting the meats a little thicker which is great, so two slices of turkey meat is plenty and I bought some Tasmania brie on special a bottle of cranberry sauce plus bread and done. At home cost is about  $3 each

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