Sunday 11 October 2015

Looking out for kids

On my way home, I called in the petrol station to fuel up for the coming week. Petrol was cheaper than it had been for awhile so it was busy. I pulled in behind two cars that were filling and waited for my turn

While I was waiting a small car pulled alongside of me and go to the pump first as the cars in front of them had paid and gone.

A woman in her thirties got out followed by a boy about seven, later two small girls got out of the car, they looked about four and two. While mum was busy filling the car the girls were running and skipping between the pumps and the cars.

They and Mum were probably confident about where they were but when I needed to move my car up to the pump it was bit worrying as to where they were. No way would I let kids out of the car while filling at a service station, just so dangerous.

I was glad to see them drive away before I did.

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