Monday 26 October 2015

I like Sundays

Sundays being the day of rest, we often just have the day at home which means I can potter and get  lot of things done.

I slept in a bit and then spent some time on the computer. Looking for glue sticks in my sewing room (this is what I was doing when the chair broke)I sorted and threw out some unwanted things (two bags to the bin) yay I found them and then  decorated my hat for next week. Also found the material that I bought for costume, washed that ready to go. Made it up but I do have a couple of seams that need to be changed, so still some work to do on that.

I mended a chair cushion and my pillow case that had a split seam, both took less than five minutes and had been waiting for a few weeks.

I also turned up some book covers that needed one seam sewn around the outside and then the ends turned in, there were six of those, they are now done.

I made a pizza for lunch, using a base that I had made last time and was in the freezer. Used up the last of the ham, while the oven was on I also made two small chicken pies, that's tonight's dinner and I preped an egg and bacon quiche that we had with salad for dinner.

Watched some cricket on TV during lunch, then cleaned the kitchen. Being Sunday and a day of rest, I rested on the bed while I read the rest of my book and had a twenty minute sleep.

Did the ironing (that sounds impressive but there was only two of Warren's handkerchiefs, a shirt and pair of pants for me)

I printed out a pattern and instructions for a tote bag that I plan to make for a Christmas gift.

Started knitting a teddy bear, haven't done much knitting lately too hot but I can make the teddies as they are quite small and its not so much sitting on me. I have lots of stuffing to put into them plus lots of wool so now I just need to knit the outside.

Got the washing off the line, washed on Saturday but too damp to get in before we keft and then of course it rained, which gave the clothes a good rinse.

A very productive day and oh and I didn't spent anything. Taking a challenge this month to see how many no spend days we can do in the month. I am up to sixteen and hopefully today will also be a no spend day

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