Tuesday 27 October 2015


It is storm season and we had a bit doozy last night. We heard the thunder while we were watching TV and it got a bit closer. We shut the computer down and pulled the plug before we went to bed. We lost a computer a few years ago so now it thunder is close we usually do that.

Within a few minutes it was very loud and quite a bit of rain. Just picking up my book to have a read in bed when the lights went out and the fan and clock shut down, it was a power out. As we were already in bed, there was no point in getting out candles and other lights. I found it hard to get to sleep as we are used to sleeping with either the ceiling fan or the A/C going or both. The lightning was also shining through the bathroom window every few seconds it seemed. Very dark as no lights and then a crash of thunder followed by a flash of light.

At 1 am, the lounge room lights came on as well as the A/C and radio. So much noise and activity. I got up and switched things off and was able to sleep after that. The lawns look fresh his morning but not a great deal of evidence, other than that, of the storm.

Apparently we can expect more storms this afternoon and evening. Hopefully we won't lost power until after I have cooked dinner at least.

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