Thursday 1 October 2015

Freycinet National Park

This was our transport to view the park. It was touch and go whether we could go or not due to te weather. We thought we could go on the Monday but the pilot had been busy and had had to take the day off as a rest day, by law he is only allowed to fly for six days then he is required to est for at least a day. Problem was that Tuesday the forecast was not good so we had to wait and see.

A storm complete with thunder went through sometime Tuesday morning and we got a phone call to say that ten o'clock looked okay to get up if we wanted to go. We were only about twenty minutes from the air strip so we packed up and drove down. The weather was good with blue skies and white fluffy clouds. The plane is tiny, only room for four people.
We opted for a 45 minute flight costing $175 each but so worth it.

The above photo is Wineglass Bay so called because of its shape and also years ago when they used to slaughter the whales there, often the water was the colour of red wine. Jason the pilot gave a commentary while he was flying as well.

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