Sunday, 1 November 2015

Lunch at Woodford Pub.

We both worked really hard this morning, me starting nanowrimo and Warren in the garden raking and shoveling. As a reward for our efforts we decided to take ourselves out for lunch. Problem was where? Morning tea time was spent discussing where, a couple of places were dissed as being too far as we still had things to do, finally we chose Woodford but it would have been too hot at the coffee shop so the pub won out. Its over twelve months since we have been there.
This is the side of the pub, its a bit topsy turvy, I think it probably started as a small building and has been added to and added to over the years.
It was very popular at lunch no tables except either upstairs or on the verandas in front of the rough and ready bar, so called as guys can go there for a drink in their work clothes as long as they are wearing a shirt.
We chose the veranda as it was cool and there were not many smokers.
We ordered two entrees and bread, we have been before and their meals are BIG.
Spring rolls, Salt and pepper calamari and a bread (which came out looking like a pizza. There was a salad on each plate so we shared. It was more than enough. The calamari was thick slices and the best I have ever tasted, it was melt in the mouth.
This was what we brought home of the bread/pizza. With a salad it will go down very nicely for dinner.

Its funny but I realised today that we go out for lunch, rarely if ever we just go down to the local places for lunch. It is a real, go somewhere, if we do lunch. Woodford for us is a nice easy drive about thirty minutes away from home, we travel out the back way so quiet roads for about half the way, bit narrow and windy but its unusual to see more than one car on the way. A nice country drive with a pleasant meal at the end then get up and walk out, no prep, no dishes no hassle, of course the bank card does take a bit of a hit. Yes, it would be cheaper to eat at home but we do that the rest of the week.
Just an update on Nano, I wrote 1707 of my daily quota this morning, did want to do 2000 so may do some more later.

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