Monday 19 October 2015

Google Box

What a program! We didn't watch it last year when it started. I mean, who in their right minds would watch people watching TV and commenting on it in their own homes.

We watched the first program this year and loved it,it is so funny. I havent decided who are my favourites as they are quite different.

We were tired last week as didnt want to sit up and watch so Warren recorded it and we watched it on the weekend. One of the programs that they were commenting on was the new one called The Verdict. Again it is a show that we havent watched as they have advertised it "as a talk show with some of the finest minds in Australia". On the ads, it shows some of those that are on and it is embarrassing to think that "they" consider them some of our finest minds.

All the groups on Google Box had similar thoughts on the show.

One woman who really calls a spade a spade asked her friend "What was the criteria to be on the show, did they have to be dick heads?"  I agree with her.

Wont be watching The Verdict but will continue to watch Google Box when it is on.

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