Sunday 25 October 2015

Banks can be.........

Funny (and that's not the haha kind) annoying and frustrating.

Last month our credit card was compromised ($3400 plus $104 for an overseas transaction).

As soon as I noticed it I rang the bank. They jumped into action which was great, our cards were cancelled immediately and new ones issued. It did mean that we were without cards to draw funds for almost a week, thank goodness I had opened an account at another bank a couple of years ago and could draw from that or go into a branch.

As Warren is the primary card holder which me off no end as it is or should be equal, he had to go into the bank to activate our new cards. This 3.5K was still sitting on our account as owing, Warren spoke to the bank and was told it would or could take up to three weeks to be resolved.

Three weeks and one day he contacted them again and was then told that he hadn't requested the bank to do anything. He reminded them that I had rung "Oh, yes Sir but your wife is not the primary card holder" Again he reminded them that they had cancelled and issued new ones on my (secondary holder) say so. They said that they could then do it and it would be resolved in three working days. That was on a Tuesday, we gave them until Friday before we checked the bank balance online.

Finally the bigger amount was returned to our account and the following day the lesser amount. Two days later neither the taking off nor the return of the money was on our account, its as though it didn't even happen.

Of course with me being the secondary holder I am not even supposed to operate the online banking Pfffffff!

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