Tuesday 29 July 2014

What on earth did I do yesterday?

I had great plans to spend the day sewing as the house was clean and tidy so nothing needed to be done there, except the normal day to day things that don't take that long to do. I did have a load of washing to do and that was put on while having breakfast.

At ten to eight while we are chatting over breakfast, the phone rings and it was a friend who was going interstate later in the day. Her SIL was going to take them to the airport but one of the kids were sick, could we pretty please drive them. Of course we could, I had offered to do so earlier but she said it was all organised.

There went two hours and we decided to have morning tea at a coffee shop while we were out, it had been on the agenda to do today. Warren dropped me at home and then went to help a friend move some furniture as they are having new floors laid, getting rid of the carpet.

I watered the garden while he was out and found a heap more passion fruit had fallen so thought I had better make some passion fruit butter, spent about 20 minutes n the net looking for the recipe. I mde some last year with a recipe from a forum that I use, only to find that I had written out the recipe and it was in a drawer with all the other stuff, some of which I threw out.

Made the butter, standing stirring at the stove for 20 minutes, ended up with three jars. Made scones plain one and some cheese and bacon ones and choc chip cup cakes. Put a roast chicken and vegetables on t cook as furniture moving friend was coming for dinner. Scones and cup cakes for dessert.

Cheered on our guys in Glasgow and then settled down to watch Foyles war on TV while knitting a scarf. I thought that I had done very little but now i can see why I didn't get any sewing done oh well there is always today and we have left over chicken for lunch and a hearty soup for dinner. Plan for this afternoon is a movie to see Mrs Brown's Boys.

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