Monday 7 July 2014

Bike riding at the weekend

Time to head off to the bush for a bit of bush bashing (trail bike riding). We leave at 10.30, (camp opens at 3pm!) morning tea at a place up the road called Moore, I had prepared thermos and we had cake and coffee makings, nice park there just off the road and toilets. Then on to Dalby (we call it Dalby like its spelt but Queenslanders have no clue what we are talking about, they call it Dullby). Anyway, Maccas is there and fuel so we fill tummies and tanks, car bike and a jerry can.

One more hour and we arrive at the camp site approx 3.15pm, yikes there are already about fifty units there, the last time we were there we were about the third to arrive, shaping up to be a big weekend. We head across the paddock to our usual spot, the Pee wee track is just at the back and as Declan was coming and I would be keeping an eye on him it was the ideal place to be.

Twenty minutes and we are sitting down for a cuppa in hand and spend the next couple of hours watching other rigs come in and get set up. The cold is starting to be felt and the sun is getting lower in the sky, time to cook dinner before we lose the light.

I am introduced to the Game of Thrones which we watch while snuggled up in bed, Warren was up to date but I hadnt seen any of them although I did know some of the story as he would watch them in China usually while I was working and it was almost finished so no point in me watching and trying to get up to speed on where it was up to. I had said that I would watch them one time.

People were coming and setting up most of the night it seemed and the next morning there ws a hive of activity when I got out of bed. Toilets were about a hundred metres away so a jacket thrown over my pjs (its easy to be uncomfortable so pjs are packed) and off i set. This place sets the toilets around in different places so we had the choice of three within a hundred metres just depended on which direction one walked. (the closest toilets had several families scattered around it with lots of kids and that was the first one to run out of water).
This little girl spent many hour going on the peewee track, she had all the gear on and the pink fairy wings on her back. Its a little blurred because she was going so fast.
We were able to have contained fires and it was great sitting around "chewing the fat". Saturday night a guy turned up with his portable wood fired pizza van. he would have made a killing, it was a family affair, him, his wif and two young sons. One son was taking order and the money, the other boy was chopping, Mum was preparing and dad was cooking, a very neat operation. We were lucky as ours was made, it apparently caught on another one and he said that he would make another free, cost was $10 and the two pizzas feed the four of us. Didn't taste any different but he wasn't happy but we were.
The boys on their bikes ages from 8 to 63.
While riding, they are all covered except the dirt and dust gets in so there was about a quarter of dirt on his face but he couldnt keep the smile off his dial. Next one is in four weeks time and about the same distance.

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