Monday 28 July 2014

Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Risotto

Sounds great doesn't it? As I cancelled my Red Paw Paw box of goodies ($5 for $30 worth of products), I read where some one else had cancelled but decided to buy some new and different products to try in the month. I liked that idea so I was looking at different things at the supermarket.

A packet caught my eye and it was Chicken Leek and Mushroom risotto and it was gluten free, a bonus and while I usually cook from scratch thought that it could be an interesting thing to try at $1.69 a pack. I turned to read the directions and this is what I read.

Step one Dice two chicken breasts and lightly fry using about a tablespoon of oil.
Step two Add one sliced leek and 250 grams of sliced mushrooms.
Step three add 2 cups of rice (the one to make risotto with) and two cups of water, simmer until rice is cooked and water is absorbed.
Step four add 200 ml of cream and contents of packet.

Humm! I am making chicken, leek and mushroom risotto and having to add chicken, leek mushrooms and rice plus cream, I don't think so and so the packet remained on the shelf.

I know it was only $1.69 but I'm sure I have flavourings and spices in my pantry that I could use and actually know what is in it. Just reinforced the fact that I prefer to cook plain and simple without the "extras"

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