Tuesday 15 July 2014

A PJ day

I belong to a forum that I follow and I do make comments on at times, there was a comment made about a "PJ" day. I liked the sound of that and Sunday was my PJ day. It was a bit cold and I had no intention of going anywhere or seeing anyone. Breakfast was later than usual and I did decide that there was washing to do. Ended up with three loads, Warren hung it out for me (don't think he wanted me to go outside).

While clearing the kitchen I made a salad for lunch, had lettuce that needed to be eaten or thrown out in a couple of days also put on a piece of corn beef into the slow cooker. I spent the next few hours in the sewing room and got two projects finished, one had been sitting for some weeks and was done in 20 minutes, why hadn't I done it before.

Three o'clock and it was time for footy, I needed some wool to knit so went to my knitting basket and saw a ball of fancy wool in shades of black grey and bright pink, a scarf for me! The washing dried nicely and at half time in the footy, folded it all and put away. (My team was soundly beaten but I still like to watch)

Some frozen vege in the microwave and I did make a white sauce to go with the corn beef. Nothing that we wanted to watch on TV so went thru some things that we had recorded for a later time and found a comedy.

It was a change to slop around in jamas and slippers all day and I got a lot done, maybe I should make it a rule once every month or so.

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