Wednesday 2 July 2014

Miegunyah House and Newstead House

Today was the bus trip and thankfully everything went well. It is always a bit of a worry when one is organizing something for a group of other people that something might go wrong.
This is the house and it is in an older part of Brisbane built and owned by the Perry family it was sold in 1922 including furniture. During the war years it was owned by the Defence Department supposedly for Officers R & R but apparently they were planning secret mission and was known as Z force. The house is now owned by The Queensland Women' Historical Association and display many pieces of furniture and household goods that would have been used a hundred or more years ago.

Most of us remembered many of the things and could relate some stories about them, such as Velvet soap in a soap basket. A couple of us are from Sth Aussie and so it was Velvet soap but to the rest it was known as Sunshine soap. We floored them when we mentioned stobie poles, lots of head shaking (A stobie pole is an Electricity pole)

A good day was had by all (well I hope) the weather was beautiful, most people elected to buy their lunch and there was a small cafe a short walk from Newstead home and they were apparently brilliant with getting everyone served in very short time. 
Some of our Red Hat Group waiting for the bus to take us home.

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