Monday 14 July 2014

Gender difference

Warren got out of bed this morning, it was still dark and said he was going for a shower. As I snuggled under the blankets a bit more I asked what the time was, reply 5am! What the?????? Then I remembered it was motor GP.

Later when it was over, (he had recorded it so didn't need to get up and watch it) he came back into the bedroom and said that he would go to tennis, no surprises as he usually does on Monday mornings.

I told him that I had an appointment at 1.30, he said that he would be back well before then. I had not told him about the apt before although it is written up on our big calendar. I realised the difference was that if it was reversed with him telling me about an apt, I would have asked what was it but he didn't just stated he would be back so I could use the car.

Does that mean I am nosey (heaven forbid!) or hes not interested in what I am doing (or does he figure if I wanted him to know, I would have told him?) He was probably already thinking about tennis.

More on my apt tomorrow.

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