Tuesday 22 July 2014

Lightening strikes.

Walking to the car park this afternoon under a covered walkway there was a flash of light, I thought someone had flicked a cigarette lighter, I turned to see what it was and thee was a very loud clap of thunder. The flash was an actual lightening strike, so close.

Rained a little on the way to my car and when I started driving it was still raining and then it got heavier and heavier. Ten kilometres from home after slowing to 20kph, I couldn't see the road only the car tail lights ahead, luckily  knew the road and knew that there was a wide verge so pulled over to wait it out. It was hailing by then and half a dozen cars were also stopped and a few more across the road. It did look strange as I could only see the car lights and the shape of the cars.

Ten minutes went by and the rain eased and I slowly made my way back onto the road and off home, by the time I reached home it was quite dry. Warren was really surprised when I told him bout the hil and heavy rain as it hadn't rained at home for a couple of hours.

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