Friday 4 July 2014

Cooking up a storm

I was reading on a forum that I belong to, about banana bread and there were recipes. This was last Sunday and I had the house to myself, as I had some frozen bananas, it seemed a good opportunity to try a new recipe and use up those bananas.

Bananas were rock solid and as I had already turned on the oven I decided to make up one of the cake mixes that I had bought at Costco the day before. Besides, I like to use the oven for a couple of things when I have it going.

Then I realised that we were going camping and I had some loose sausages and one sheet of pastry left and so it goes on.
I ended up making savoury muffins, sausages rolls, meatballs, choc cake (had to use a baking tray) and finally the banana bread was the last thing in the oven. Warren didnt really get lunch but he was happy as he had a taste of everything that I made. As we are getting reading to go camping now, I have to find where I tucked the goodies away. Costco's choc chip cake was/is good, six packets in a box and  worked out to be about two dollars or so for one and only had to add one egg so not expensive at all. It is quite rich so a small square is plenty. Warren has ordered some to take to tennis for mornos next week.

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