Monday 28 July 2014


Scones are one thing that I have never been able to master. They turn out flat and horrible so i dont make them. Actually the last time that I made scones it was from a packet and at least they were edible but still not that good.

With two of my new classes, i go to cooking with a student, he actually have three classes a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Monday is cooking day when I'm not there, which is okay as at least I don't have to worry about him banishing knives around. Wednesday is theory and Friday is demonstration day and the teacher shows how to do it.

Last week she demonstrated scones and I took note, came home and made them. wow, it actually worked yay, I can now make scones! She worked a lot of air into the mixture and then used a knife to mix it and only just mixed it, she didnt knead it and just pushed it into shape and cooked them in a very hot oven. Mine didn't rise quite as much as hers did, I don't have a sifter but I was happy with the results. I used ordinary flour which is usually alright for Warren as long as he doesn't have too much but he liked them that much that he had another couple and suffered a bit of a headache  the next day. I do have gluten free flour and I will use that next time.

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