Tuesday 8 July 2014

Red PawPaw

I signed up for this last month, it is a company that supplies approx $30 of food to try for only five dollars. It did take awhile to come but I think they were overwhelmed by the amount of people who signed up. We are outside of the area that they delivered to but I was able to use darling Daughter's address and picked up the box yesterday.
Such a lot of food as you can see, there was also a jar of jam and a large tin of Ovaltine, both of those had already made it to the kitchen. Hot ovaltine and a slice of toast with mango jam was just the ticket for afternoon tea. I need to try the products and then send back a survey about them, how easy it that. 

Years and years ago when I was pregnant with first child, the chemist used to supply a new Mum's bag of goodies, one of things in my goody bag was a tin of air freshener, called Glen Fresh, I had never heard of it but forty years on, I still use that (not the same tin of course) so it does work as an advertising ploy (ploy is not the word that I wanted to use because that sounds like something underhanded.

No-one is getting a box this month as they have some things to work out but next one will be delivered in August.

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