Saturday 12 July 2014

A country show

I love these and we went to this one last year with two young Chinese visitors, today we took our oldest and youngest grandsons.

First point of call was the farm show, this was run by the school where I have been working.
Day old or a couple of days, white ones are the meat birds (already they were bigger) black ones are the layers.
Shearing demonstrations were also available to watch.

These two were very contented and didn't want to be patted, oh well their loss.

We considered going on this ride but a group of 5 kids and 5 adults were just in front so we didn't fit at that time, we just patted them instead.
We missed the repile show but this guy was sunning himself so I snapped a couple of shots of him, he was starting to move as I was there, AD was NOT interested at all. Snake was about two metres long, his head is just above the cap.
Two young guys on bikes were doing some jumps and aerials then a lap of honor.

and then there was the pig races. These seem to be very popular and make a lot of money for Riding for the Disabled. No pigs in sight but this is the "running track", six young or at least little pigs run around the track, open gates and jump things, finally finding a coloured trough with milk in it, the first snot in wins. They sell tickets and then kids are picked out to chose a name and colour, tickets are drawn out and the holder has that pig for the race and there is a $50 prize. AD wanted to know if the winner took home the pig, he would probably like a little oinker at home.
One small roller coaster ride with only one small boy hanging on for grim death.
Warren was chatting with the guy who owns this, it was part of classic cars exhibit and as we were leaving he asked the boys if they would like to sit in it (didn't ask me! must have to be little and cute!) I was worried about them stepping on the paintwork but he just said no worries its metal. It was highly polished and very shining, quite a tight fit, he took the steering wheel off for JD to get into it.
Finally there was this guy, a fire breathing sand dragon, the guy started on this as we started to walk around and by the time we were about to leave three hours later, it was done, fantastic detail. I usually like to look at the inside exhibits like the cooking, needlework, photography etc but didn't today, it was so nice outside to walk around and there was plenty to see. They hold a dog jumping competition as well and any dog can go in it, the last dog standing or jumping wins, the winner jumped over  2 metres or in the old measurements, 8 feet, five inches. They added railway sleepers and the dogs jumped into the back of a ute.

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