Saturday 19 July 2014


One of the things I found when I started back at school this week I had been allocated to two English classes, one year eight and one year ten, both classes are doing poetry this term. Yay! not. I hated poetry with a passion when I had to do it at school.

However the first class with the y10's was about some war poems,  knew them as songs but of course songs are poems  set to music.   Thursday both classes (and me) went to a performance, three actors had come to the school. The year eight performance was about about the different type of poems, it went for about 45 minutes and the guys were very talented, it was fun and entertaining. Year ten was about a first world war poet and then weaved a story about this guy and included his poems, again very clever and interesting, so much so that I am going to do a search to find more of his poems. huh, and I thought poetry was boring.

Yesterday there was a class with year eights and the teacher and I read a poem which had been written and delivered by the two Ronnies. That was fun and quite difficult to read as it of course rythmed but our accents or use of the words changed it slightly so the rhythm was a little off so we had to say the words with an English accent.  

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