Thursday 3 July 2014

An hour with Hoges

This was an advertised TV program and as we grew up with Paul Hogan on our TV, we knew it would be a good laugh (and it was).

Shane Jacobson was the host or interviewer and a few years go they did a movie together called Charlie and Boots, a very good movie with lots of great Aussie scenery. The two took off on a trip north after the father had lost his wife and almost his will to live. The son packed him up and they set off on a massive trip.

Shane Jacobson is also a comedian (He played, directed etc etc the movie Kenny)and he grew up listening to Paul Hogan strut his stuff.

Hoges (of crocodile Dundee fame)made his mark on a show called New Faces, they invited people on to sing dance whatever they felt they could do to entertain the masses then the judges would insult them and belittle them. Paul was one of the crew who painted the Sydney harbour Bridge and they were discussing one day over smoko and wanted to show up the show for what it was, Paul was selected to try out for it.

He wrote to them and said that he was toe tapping, darts throwing singer (that wasnt quite right but something along those lines, totally ridiculous!) he was asked to come on and there was footage and he won! They liked the crap that went along with his non act.

He went on to be a stand up comedian and had several alter egos over his years and then of course he did the movies. He mentioned that much of the media slammed him for walking out on his wife and kiddies, he said that was laughable as his kids were adults when his marriage broke down. He went on to tell a story about one of his kids who turned up at his door with a duffle bag and said "congratulations, dad you have won custody of me" he was twenty six at the time.

At the end of the interview, he was taken to the Opera house to do "A night with Hoges" and he did a two hour comedy routine, he's now 74 years of age and still an Aussie Ocker. onya Hoges.

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