Sunday 20 July 2014


Don't we all just love them! Last week we put our old caravan up for sale and within a few hours we had someone text a message wanting to know our best price. a couple of texts went back and forth and then the guy said that he was working for a NZ company based out of Darwin (long way from here) but he really needed a van to live in. He couldn't get proper internet access because he was on an oil rig atm but he was willing to pay for the van thru paypal and arrange for a flatbed to pick it up once the money had been paid.

When warren read out the text to me, I said that it sounded a bit weird and like a scam but I didnt know how it could be a scam. He said that he wasn't happy about it either so he sent a text back saying that it sounded like a scam and we have heard nothing since.

Apparently we were right and people do this and the carrier turns up earlier than intended due to other work commitments and has a copy of an email saying that the money had been sent and usually van/car whatever is loaded as most people don't want to keep workers hanging around and suddenly the money is stopped so no money and no goods. What bas.......some people are!

We have had some-one look at the van during the week and was happy with it but Warren said he didn't think the guy had the money that we wanted for it even though he did offer a lesser price. At least he did ring to tell us no. Another person is supposed to be coming today to look at it, hopefully this arvo as Warren is shooting arrows ATM.

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