Wednesday 30 July 2014

Mrs Brown's Boys D'movie

Earlier in the year, Mrs Brown's boy and the crew came to Australia and I did look at the tickets but at $130 a seat, I decided against buying them. Now of course there is the movie or to quote the title "D'Movie".

We went along yesterday and pre-purchased tickets for $8, much better price. I asked Warren if he wanted an ice cream to take in with us, of course he said yes. Oh boy, I hadn't realised the cost of them as before we had bought tickets and ice cream together. $6.60 each they were, jeepers, that's a bit steep but I did buy them anyway but will think twice next time.

The movie was good, very funny, bit of swearing, bit of smut, we thoroughly enjoyed it and for $14.60 a reasonable afternoons entertainment

Tuesday 29 July 2014

What on earth did I do yesterday?

I had great plans to spend the day sewing as the house was clean and tidy so nothing needed to be done there, except the normal day to day things that don't take that long to do. I did have a load of washing to do and that was put on while having breakfast.

At ten to eight while we are chatting over breakfast, the phone rings and it was a friend who was going interstate later in the day. Her SIL was going to take them to the airport but one of the kids were sick, could we pretty please drive them. Of course we could, I had offered to do so earlier but she said it was all organised.

There went two hours and we decided to have morning tea at a coffee shop while we were out, it had been on the agenda to do today. Warren dropped me at home and then went to help a friend move some furniture as they are having new floors laid, getting rid of the carpet.

I watered the garden while he was out and found a heap more passion fruit had fallen so thought I had better make some passion fruit butter, spent about 20 minutes n the net looking for the recipe. I mde some last year with a recipe from a forum that I use, only to find that I had written out the recipe and it was in a drawer with all the other stuff, some of which I threw out.

Made the butter, standing stirring at the stove for 20 minutes, ended up with three jars. Made scones plain one and some cheese and bacon ones and choc chip cup cakes. Put a roast chicken and vegetables on t cook as furniture moving friend was coming for dinner. Scones and cup cakes for dessert.

Cheered on our guys in Glasgow and then settled down to watch Foyles war on TV while knitting a scarf. I thought that I had done very little but now i can see why I didn't get any sewing done oh well there is always today and we have left over chicken for lunch and a hearty soup for dinner. Plan for this afternoon is a movie to see Mrs Brown's Boys.

Monday 28 July 2014

Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Risotto

Sounds great doesn't it? As I cancelled my Red Paw Paw box of goodies ($5 for $30 worth of products), I read where some one else had cancelled but decided to buy some new and different products to try in the month. I liked that idea so I was looking at different things at the supermarket.

A packet caught my eye and it was Chicken Leek and Mushroom risotto and it was gluten free, a bonus and while I usually cook from scratch thought that it could be an interesting thing to try at $1.69 a pack. I turned to read the directions and this is what I read.

Step one Dice two chicken breasts and lightly fry using about a tablespoon of oil.
Step two Add one sliced leek and 250 grams of sliced mushrooms.
Step three add 2 cups of rice (the one to make risotto with) and two cups of water, simmer until rice is cooked and water is absorbed.
Step four add 200 ml of cream and contents of packet.

Humm! I am making chicken, leek and mushroom risotto and having to add chicken, leek mushrooms and rice plus cream, I don't think so and so the packet remained on the shelf.

I know it was only $1.69 but I'm sure I have flavourings and spices in my pantry that I could use and actually know what is in it. Just reinforced the fact that I prefer to cook plain and simple without the "extras"


Scones are one thing that I have never been able to master. They turn out flat and horrible so i dont make them. Actually the last time that I made scones it was from a packet and at least they were edible but still not that good.

With two of my new classes, i go to cooking with a student, he actually have three classes a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Monday is cooking day when I'm not there, which is okay as at least I don't have to worry about him banishing knives around. Wednesday is theory and Friday is demonstration day and the teacher shows how to do it.

Last week she demonstrated scones and I took note, came home and made them. wow, it actually worked yay, I can now make scones! She worked a lot of air into the mixture and then used a knife to mix it and only just mixed it, she didnt knead it and just pushed it into shape and cooked them in a very hot oven. Mine didn't rise quite as much as hers did, I don't have a sifter but I was happy with the results. I used ordinary flour which is usually alright for Warren as long as he doesn't have too much but he liked them that much that he had another couple and suffered a bit of a headache  the next day. I do have gluten free flour and I will use that next time.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Lightening strikes.

Walking to the car park this afternoon under a covered walkway there was a flash of light, I thought someone had flicked a cigarette lighter, I turned to see what it was and thee was a very loud clap of thunder. The flash was an actual lightening strike, so close.

Rained a little on the way to my car and when I started driving it was still raining and then it got heavier and heavier. Ten kilometres from home after slowing to 20kph, I couldn't see the road only the car tail lights ahead, luckily  knew the road and knew that there was a wide verge so pulled over to wait it out. It was hailing by then and half a dozen cars were also stopped and a few more across the road. It did look strange as I could only see the car lights and the shape of the cars.

Ten minutes went by and the rain eased and I slowly made my way back onto the road and off home, by the time I reached home it was quite dry. Warren was really surprised when I told him bout the hil and heavy rain as it hadn't rained at home for a couple of hours.

Sunday 20 July 2014


Don't we all just love them! Last week we put our old caravan up for sale and within a few hours we had someone text a message wanting to know our best price. a couple of texts went back and forth and then the guy said that he was working for a NZ company based out of Darwin (long way from here) but he really needed a van to live in. He couldn't get proper internet access because he was on an oil rig atm but he was willing to pay for the van thru paypal and arrange for a flatbed to pick it up once the money had been paid.

When warren read out the text to me, I said that it sounded a bit weird and like a scam but I didnt know how it could be a scam. He said that he wasn't happy about it either so he sent a text back saying that it sounded like a scam and we have heard nothing since.

Apparently we were right and people do this and the carrier turns up earlier than intended due to other work commitments and has a copy of an email saying that the money had been sent and usually van/car whatever is loaded as most people don't want to keep workers hanging around and suddenly the money is stopped so no money and no goods. What bas.......some people are!

We have had some-one look at the van during the week and was happy with it but Warren said he didn't think the guy had the money that we wanted for it even though he did offer a lesser price. At least he did ring to tell us no. Another person is supposed to be coming today to look at it, hopefully this arvo as Warren is shooting arrows ATM.

Saturday 19 July 2014


One of the things I found when I started back at school this week I had been allocated to two English classes, one year eight and one year ten, both classes are doing poetry this term. Yay! not. I hated poetry with a passion when I had to do it at school.

However the first class with the y10's was about some war poems,  knew them as songs but of course songs are poems  set to music.   Thursday both classes (and me) went to a performance, three actors had come to the school. The year eight performance was about about the different type of poems, it went for about 45 minutes and the guys were very talented, it was fun and entertaining. Year ten was about a first world war poet and then weaved a story about this guy and included his poems, again very clever and interesting, so much so that I am going to do a search to find more of his poems. huh, and I thought poetry was boring.

Yesterday there was a class with year eights and the teacher and I read a poem which had been written and delivered by the two Ronnies. That was fun and quite difficult to read as it of course rythmed but our accents or use of the words changed it slightly so the rhythm was a little off so we had to say the words with an English accent.  

Tuesday 15 July 2014

A PJ day

I belong to a forum that I follow and I do make comments on at times, there was a comment made about a "PJ" day. I liked the sound of that and Sunday was my PJ day. It was a bit cold and I had no intention of going anywhere or seeing anyone. Breakfast was later than usual and I did decide that there was washing to do. Ended up with three loads, Warren hung it out for me (don't think he wanted me to go outside).

While clearing the kitchen I made a salad for lunch, had lettuce that needed to be eaten or thrown out in a couple of days also put on a piece of corn beef into the slow cooker. I spent the next few hours in the sewing room and got two projects finished, one had been sitting for some weeks and was done in 20 minutes, why hadn't I done it before.

Three o'clock and it was time for footy, I needed some wool to knit so went to my knitting basket and saw a ball of fancy wool in shades of black grey and bright pink, a scarf for me! The washing dried nicely and at half time in the footy, folded it all and put away. (My team was soundly beaten but I still like to watch)

Some frozen vege in the microwave and I did make a white sauce to go with the corn beef. Nothing that we wanted to watch on TV so went thru some things that we had recorded for a later time and found a comedy.

It was a change to slop around in jamas and slippers all day and I got a lot done, maybe I should make it a rule once every month or so.

Monday 14 July 2014

Gender difference

Warren got out of bed this morning, it was still dark and said he was going for a shower. As I snuggled under the blankets a bit more I asked what the time was, reply 5am! What the?????? Then I remembered it was motor GP.

Later when it was over, (he had recorded it so didn't need to get up and watch it) he came back into the bedroom and said that he would go to tennis, no surprises as he usually does on Monday mornings.

I told him that I had an appointment at 1.30, he said that he would be back well before then. I had not told him about the apt before although it is written up on our big calendar. I realised the difference was that if it was reversed with him telling me about an apt, I would have asked what was it but he didn't just stated he would be back so I could use the car.

Does that mean I am nosey (heaven forbid!) or hes not interested in what I am doing (or does he figure if I wanted him to know, I would have told him?) He was probably already thinking about tennis.

More on my apt tomorrow.

Saturday 12 July 2014

A country show

I love these and we went to this one last year with two young Chinese visitors, today we took our oldest and youngest grandsons.

First point of call was the farm show, this was run by the school where I have been working.
Day old or a couple of days, white ones are the meat birds (already they were bigger) black ones are the layers.
Shearing demonstrations were also available to watch.

These two were very contented and didn't want to be patted, oh well their loss.

We considered going on this ride but a group of 5 kids and 5 adults were just in front so we didn't fit at that time, we just patted them instead.
We missed the repile show but this guy was sunning himself so I snapped a couple of shots of him, he was starting to move as I was there, AD was NOT interested at all. Snake was about two metres long, his head is just above the cap.
Two young guys on bikes were doing some jumps and aerials then a lap of honor.

and then there was the pig races. These seem to be very popular and make a lot of money for Riding for the Disabled. No pigs in sight but this is the "running track", six young or at least little pigs run around the track, open gates and jump things, finally finding a coloured trough with milk in it, the first snot in wins. They sell tickets and then kids are picked out to chose a name and colour, tickets are drawn out and the holder has that pig for the race and there is a $50 prize. AD wanted to know if the winner took home the pig, he would probably like a little oinker at home.
One small roller coaster ride with only one small boy hanging on for grim death.
Warren was chatting with the guy who owns this, it was part of classic cars exhibit and as we were leaving he asked the boys if they would like to sit in it (didn't ask me! must have to be little and cute!) I was worried about them stepping on the paintwork but he just said no worries its metal. It was highly polished and very shining, quite a tight fit, he took the steering wheel off for JD to get into it.
Finally there was this guy, a fire breathing sand dragon, the guy started on this as we started to walk around and by the time we were about to leave three hours later, it was done, fantastic detail. I usually like to look at the inside exhibits like the cooking, needlework, photography etc but didn't today, it was so nice outside to walk around and there was plenty to see. They hold a dog jumping competition as well and any dog can go in it, the last dog standing or jumping wins, the winner jumped over  2 metres or in the old measurements, 8 feet, five inches. They added railway sleepers and the dogs jumped into the back of a ute.

Friday 11 July 2014

Sewing days

I took Warren to Spotlight a few weeks ago as I wanted to buy some material to go with other pieces that I had to make patchwork doonas for the new caravan. Patchwork for me takes quite a long time so I figured I would start early.

Bit of a disaster really as he didn't like any thing that I wanted to get and was drawn by these materials.
He said that they would save me having to cut and piece and of course he was right but I was trying to be frugal and use up some material that I already had. I made his quite quickly and had mine ready to sew, it was waiting and waiting. Finally Wednesday I sat down to the sewing machine and got it done and sewed the buttons on it to hold everything in place. The cream is the backing and has ghost trees on it.
Warren's has sports and mine has places, they are similar and the colours will blend in with the van.
Once these were finished, it was time for the next project. Youngest grandson had asked me to make him a jacket with lots of pockets, I told him that I would make it for his birthday. His birthday is next month, so plenty of time but I like to start early as things do tend to get in the way or I don't feel like sewing. Yesterday and today got much of it done, I had a pattern that I wanted to use but it needed to be traced and copied first. He loves green but the green I had was a bit too green so I have added green trim to brown check, hopefully he will get more use out of it being a neutral colour. So far I have ten pockets and have run out of places to put them so ten is going to have to do.
This is one of the fronts and a sleeve, the sleeves have two small pockets with a green button on each and the opening for the cuff is trimmed in green, I am considering adding a strip of green to cuffs, shoulder and collar. Not far to go now, should finish it over the weekend. I feel a little guilty as the only thing I had to buy especially was the open ended zip, think I will add a little some thing in each pocket

Thursday 10 July 2014

Sam's Warehouse

It is closing down! I drove past on Tuesday and saw the sign, I knew that some of the stores were closing but didn't think it would be ours as there always seems to be a lot of people shopping when I go there, although  guess I only visit every two or three months.

I like to buy my bake ware there and a few other bits and pieces. This morning when I was packing away my muffin tin, I noticed there were some rust marks on it, supposed to be non stick! so out into the bin it went and I took a trip to Sam's. Lots of other people had the same idea and the shelves were emptying.

Bargains I got included a toaster for the caravan, when we sell the camper, what is in it will go with it so we need a few new things. I bought a new sandwich maker, it was priced at $7.97 and had no box so the cashier re-priced it at $5.02. Three kilo bag of washing power, didn't need any as we bought liquid washing stuff at Costco but I know Warren prefers to use the power, toilet paper, soap, wool, choccy biscuits (they were cheap and a New Zealand brand)a couple of cheapish lunch bowls for me to take to work and lots of storage containers, many of our lids have seemed to gone missing.

Lots of bags with stuff in them and all for $130, I had had my shopping/retail fix for the fortnight or month now. I did get some baking trays and a saucepan and a pump vaccumn flask, we do have a thermos but its the old style and if it were to get knocked, it will shatter so I bought a replacement for $4 and I bought Warren a new sleeve less jacket.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

The sun was shining

It was a great day yesterday, the sun was shining and even though it was cool, it was one of those days to get a lot of things done. Usually when we come back from camping, we take the linen out and wash it and either put it back in or leave in the house until we are ready to go again but not so yesterday.

We opened the camper up and Warren did a couple of minor adjustments to it, a screw had dislodged from a hinge and he also fixed/amended an extending pole that had needed it for some time. Then we went right thru the camper, airing beds, washing cupboards and floors. Found one of the spare camping chairs had come adrift near the arm rest, Warren asked me if I could sew it on the sewing machine. I said I'd give it a go and presto! it worked, the machine went thru it like a dream and better still, cant even see when it was mended. We washed blankets that we keep in there just in case, probably haven't been used but it was a nice "drying day" as my Mum used to say.

The van even got vaccummed before being packed up again. As I hadn't been sewing for a few days, I continued on that in the afternoon and almost finished a project that I have been working on. There is two in the set and I did one about three weeks ago and the second one was in the state of half done and then sat as I had others things to do but the sewing machine part is done and have some hand sewing to completely finish, that's on today's agenda once I do the barest of housework, (and spend some computer time).

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Red PawPaw

I signed up for this last month, it is a company that supplies approx $30 of food to try for only five dollars. It did take awhile to come but I think they were overwhelmed by the amount of people who signed up. We are outside of the area that they delivered to but I was able to use darling Daughter's address and picked up the box yesterday.
Such a lot of food as you can see, there was also a jar of jam and a large tin of Ovaltine, both of those had already made it to the kitchen. Hot ovaltine and a slice of toast with mango jam was just the ticket for afternoon tea. I need to try the products and then send back a survey about them, how easy it that. 

Years and years ago when I was pregnant with first child, the chemist used to supply a new Mum's bag of goodies, one of things in my goody bag was a tin of air freshener, called Glen Fresh, I had never heard of it but forty years on, I still use that (not the same tin of course) so it does work as an advertising ploy (ploy is not the word that I wanted to use because that sounds like something underhanded.

No-one is getting a box this month as they have some things to work out but next one will be delivered in August.

Monday 7 July 2014

Bike riding at the weekend

Time to head off to the bush for a bit of bush bashing (trail bike riding). We leave at 10.30, (camp opens at 3pm!) morning tea at a place up the road called Moore, I had prepared thermos and we had cake and coffee makings, nice park there just off the road and toilets. Then on to Dalby (we call it Dalby like its spelt but Queenslanders have no clue what we are talking about, they call it Dullby). Anyway, Maccas is there and fuel so we fill tummies and tanks, car bike and a jerry can.

One more hour and we arrive at the camp site approx 3.15pm, yikes there are already about fifty units there, the last time we were there we were about the third to arrive, shaping up to be a big weekend. We head across the paddock to our usual spot, the Pee wee track is just at the back and as Declan was coming and I would be keeping an eye on him it was the ideal place to be.

Twenty minutes and we are sitting down for a cuppa in hand and spend the next couple of hours watching other rigs come in and get set up. The cold is starting to be felt and the sun is getting lower in the sky, time to cook dinner before we lose the light.

I am introduced to the Game of Thrones which we watch while snuggled up in bed, Warren was up to date but I hadnt seen any of them although I did know some of the story as he would watch them in China usually while I was working and it was almost finished so no point in me watching and trying to get up to speed on where it was up to. I had said that I would watch them one time.

People were coming and setting up most of the night it seemed and the next morning there ws a hive of activity when I got out of bed. Toilets were about a hundred metres away so a jacket thrown over my pjs (its easy to be uncomfortable so pjs are packed) and off i set. This place sets the toilets around in different places so we had the choice of three within a hundred metres just depended on which direction one walked. (the closest toilets had several families scattered around it with lots of kids and that was the first one to run out of water).
This little girl spent many hour going on the peewee track, she had all the gear on and the pink fairy wings on her back. Its a little blurred because she was going so fast.
We were able to have contained fires and it was great sitting around "chewing the fat". Saturday night a guy turned up with his portable wood fired pizza van. he would have made a killing, it was a family affair, him, his wif and two young sons. One son was taking order and the money, the other boy was chopping, Mum was preparing and dad was cooking, a very neat operation. We were lucky as ours was made, it apparently caught on another one and he said that he would make another free, cost was $10 and the two pizzas feed the four of us. Didn't taste any different but he wasn't happy but we were.
The boys on their bikes ages from 8 to 63.
While riding, they are all covered except the dirt and dust gets in so there was about a quarter of dirt on his face but he couldnt keep the smile off his dial. Next one is in four weeks time and about the same distance.

Friday 4 July 2014

Cooking up a storm

I was reading on a forum that I belong to, about banana bread and there were recipes. This was last Sunday and I had the house to myself, as I had some frozen bananas, it seemed a good opportunity to try a new recipe and use up those bananas.

Bananas were rock solid and as I had already turned on the oven I decided to make up one of the cake mixes that I had bought at Costco the day before. Besides, I like to use the oven for a couple of things when I have it going.

Then I realised that we were going camping and I had some loose sausages and one sheet of pastry left and so it goes on.
I ended up making savoury muffins, sausages rolls, meatballs, choc cake (had to use a baking tray) and finally the banana bread was the last thing in the oven. Warren didnt really get lunch but he was happy as he had a taste of everything that I made. As we are getting reading to go camping now, I have to find where I tucked the goodies away. Costco's choc chip cake was/is good, six packets in a box and  worked out to be about two dollars or so for one and only had to add one egg so not expensive at all. It is quite rich so a small square is plenty. Warren has ordered some to take to tennis for mornos next week.

Thursday 3 July 2014

An hour with Hoges

This was an advertised TV program and as we grew up with Paul Hogan on our TV, we knew it would be a good laugh (and it was).

Shane Jacobson was the host or interviewer and a few years go they did a movie together called Charlie and Boots, a very good movie with lots of great Aussie scenery. The two took off on a trip north after the father had lost his wife and almost his will to live. The son packed him up and they set off on a massive trip.

Shane Jacobson is also a comedian (He played, directed etc etc the movie Kenny)and he grew up listening to Paul Hogan strut his stuff.

Hoges (of crocodile Dundee fame)made his mark on a show called New Faces, they invited people on to sing dance whatever they felt they could do to entertain the masses then the judges would insult them and belittle them. Paul was one of the crew who painted the Sydney harbour Bridge and they were discussing one day over smoko and wanted to show up the show for what it was, Paul was selected to try out for it.

He wrote to them and said that he was toe tapping, darts throwing singer (that wasnt quite right but something along those lines, totally ridiculous!) he was asked to come on and there was footage and he won! They liked the crap that went along with his non act.

He went on to be a stand up comedian and had several alter egos over his years and then of course he did the movies. He mentioned that much of the media slammed him for walking out on his wife and kiddies, he said that was laughable as his kids were adults when his marriage broke down. He went on to tell a story about one of his kids who turned up at his door with a duffle bag and said "congratulations, dad you have won custody of me" he was twenty six at the time.

At the end of the interview, he was taken to the Opera house to do "A night with Hoges" and he did a two hour comedy routine, he's now 74 years of age and still an Aussie Ocker. onya Hoges.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Miegunyah House and Newstead House

Today was the bus trip and thankfully everything went well. It is always a bit of a worry when one is organizing something for a group of other people that something might go wrong.
This is the house and it is in an older part of Brisbane built and owned by the Perry family it was sold in 1922 including furniture. During the war years it was owned by the Defence Department supposedly for Officers R & R but apparently they were planning secret mission and was known as Z force. The house is now owned by The Queensland Women' Historical Association and display many pieces of furniture and household goods that would have been used a hundred or more years ago.

Most of us remembered many of the things and could relate some stories about them, such as Velvet soap in a soap basket. A couple of us are from Sth Aussie and so it was Velvet soap but to the rest it was known as Sunshine soap. We floored them when we mentioned stobie poles, lots of head shaking (A stobie pole is an Electricity pole)

A good day was had by all (well I hope) the weather was beautiful, most people elected to buy their lunch and there was a small cafe a short walk from Newstead home and they were apparently brilliant with getting everyone served in very short time. 
Some of our Red Hat Group waiting for the bus to take us home.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Shopping at Costco

Costco opened down the road last month (actually in May as we are now in July), we dropped in on our way down south the day after it opened. After waiting in line for about 30 minutes to join up as a member (costs $60 a year to shop there) we decided to leave and sign up on-line.

Warren signed up on-line a couple of weeks later and one Saturday we called in on our way home to collect our cards. If we both want a card, we both have to go the first time to show that we have the same address and get our photos taken. That time we got to the lights and cars were banked up from there, still about a kilometre or more to the car park so we continued home again, thank goodness we hadnt made a special trip.

I intended to shop on Monday but as I hadn't shopped for a month and there were a few things that we needed, we went Saturday afternoon. It was slow going to get into the car parks and then we were trolling to get a park, luckily we saw someone pulling out not too far away so only had a hundred metres to walk to the entrance.

We saw the line up for new members and felt a bit smug as we had done ours on line, however we had to line up as well to get the phones done, thankfully our line was only half as long, but they were taking alternate from new members and people collecting their cards. It was interesting to watch and see what people were buying and it helps to pass the time as well.

Finally we were at the front of the line and had our phones taken, very attractive of course, in B&W on another plastic and then we could enter the hallowed doors!

It was all white good at first and we took some time to find the food, eggs were the first thing I bought, 30 for $6.59 and usually I pay around $4 for a dozen, I wanted some chicken and mince, got chicken drumsticks, they were packaged  three and then in packs of three so nine in all for $6.99, again pretty good price. Mince was premium at $6.99 and smallest amount to buy was 3 kilos, I cooked some for dinner Saturday night, made tacos and there was very little fat so a bonus.

On my list I did have toilet paper, the cheapest package was about $38 but it held 70 rolls, probably a years supply, as I had several rolls, I crossed them off my list. Toothpaste and soap were in packs of three large and eighteen bars so we are set for them for awhile.

We got out of there with a full trolley and $290 less in the bank account and both freezers are full. There were still a few things on my list that I didn't get, don't know if they didn't have them or we just didn't see them, there were thousands of people there and it was definitely only one way traffic inside the store.

Long life milk and yoghurt pouches are things that we use all the time nd I had to go and pick them up yesterday. On the way home at our little corner store, we got fresh milk but after a day it tasted "on the turn" so using it for cooking. Many many years ago Warren and I both both go sick on off milk and now we are very sensitive to milk and so we tend to use the UHT milk or cardboard milk as Warren calls it, never been sick off that, plus it doesnt need to be refrigerated until opened..