Friday 8 December 2017

Yum dinner

There is a couple of very nice little restaurants across from West Gate. When we were here at first there was only one gate in to svhool and it was the west gate. It is still used by the college kids bue for us it is the further gate away so we dont go very often.

Last night after working late at another school, I wanted something hot and the seafood noodle pot was it, I was willing to walk the two kms to get it. I measured it on my sports tracker the first time we went and from our apartment there and back was 4.2 kms.
Yum, so many mussles and three prawns some green vege and thick noodles in the bottom all for the price of 22rmb about $4.

While waiting for the meal, they serve a small bowl of hot fruit soup. I have had this meal twice I think and each time I have not been able to finish it.

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