Friday 1 December 2017

Nanowrimo finished for the year

Another 50000 words written for the National Novel Writing Month,  actually 50053. The last ten thousand were a bit of a slogq but its done and dusted. A tough mknth really with getting the house organised, packing up, getting here, the travel, once here the socialising oh and a little bit of work thrown in. I did get behind and had to do 2k a day for the last seven days and i had run out of my original idea but things seem to come once I sit down to write.

Definately put to bed now, I may look at it again in January and start the correcting and editting phase only because we will still be here and I will have the time. I dont think I finished editting last years, oh well. This was my eighth jn a row and up until two weeks before I didnt think I was going to do jt as I had no clue on what to write, then an idea hit me like a sledge hammer and its done. Dont like my title though.

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