Sunday 10 December 2017


Not sure if that is the right spelling but the computer hasnt corre ted it so either it is right or it is thinking or something else.

Anyway I am talking about the flowers or bushes that have flowers.

I like the flowers and we had them at our wedding, not sure if that was my idea or someone elses but they were there and of course every time I see the flowers I am reminded of our wedding.

There are plenty of the bushes around the school and most are in bud and This is the first one to have flowers.
The bushes run along the roadsides of the apartment blocks. From our apartment we walk along a road which then opens out into a larger area, some car do park there or the road leads down to an under parking area. Then we can choose to go one of three roads, one goes alongside the canal between apartments and wall, this is not a solid more like bars, as can see the canal. Middles road goes between apartment blocks and is wider as cars can yse it to go to the parking, this is where the bushes line both sides of the road or the third road which takes us out and through to the kindergarten and then on to the south gate.

Looking forward to seeing more of the flowers develop in the next few weeks.o

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