Saturday 30 December 2017

Always a first

Today on our trek around, we are walking between 4 and 8 kms a day and ut was awful weather again but we put on coats and grabbed umbrellas and set off. It was very light misty rain and although it settled on our jackets we didnt see or feel the need to put up the umbrellas.

Walking along though we saw something that we have never seen in China before.
Drum roll please, a caravan!

Large as life it was and parked outside an apartment block which we saw being built a few years ago. The block has the usual drive way into it,  complete with electric gates and guards. The caravan was not attached to a car but there were cars either side of it.

Maybe caravans are coming to China for recreational use. People and students when we tell them about our caravan are amazed as they do not know about them.

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