Tuesday 12 December 2017

A Flaming Dessert

We were out for dinner on Saturday night, met with friends at a restaurant down town called the Glasshouse. This was a very nice place, the boys said it was a little pricy but not too bad. Cost us 210y around $20 each for a main course and dessert.

Meals were individual and Warren had a pizza, I had a sopy thing with noodles, minced pork and a few pork balls in it. Warren decided that he would have a dessert banana broulee and it sounded good so I said yes to one as well.

It was presented nicely on a wooden platter with a small glass of whiskey and a small cup of black coffee. After Warren's was delivered to him, mine was first, the server came back to me and upended the shot glass of whiskey on the banana dish and lit it.

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