Friday 15 December 2017


Currently in China and living on school campus. When we were here before, there was a small post office just inside the gates. I would buy my phone cards there and many newspapers. China daily was a paper wriiten in English and I would often use articles from them in class or to use as wrapping paper.

I wanted to do a pass the parcel activity with one of my classes and I couldnt find a newspaper! Shock horror. Small post office has closed down.

Last week when we ventured to the big Post Office down town only to find that it is half or quarter the size that it used to be, I thought I would buy a Chins Daily from there but no, they do not sell newspapers anymore.

I asked our "minder" yesterday and he said that all newspapers are now on line! Not sure if magazines are still available. I will go to the book store today, last time we went we could only buy maps in Chinese no English ones so I will try my luck at least I know how to say maps and newspapers so half the battle is done.

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