Sunday 31 December 2017

A Roaring Time

I find it strange that most banks have lions out the front, they are impressive looking and would certainly put off potential robbers, if they were real.

Not all banks have one as impressive as these, some are "just" stone, all are big though.
This bank sits on a corner and it used to be a round about but the traffic has become so busy that it is now controlled by traffic lights. There are two hotels on opposite corners and a park on the other corner.
Half way from our apartment to the big shopping centre which is 4.6 kms away, it has become a regular thing to walk past.
I havent been in to a bank since we have been here as we no longer have a bank account. Apparently one needs to be a resident for 2 months or more to be able to open an account. Back when we did have accounts, it would take so long with all the paperwork to be filled out that it was take a number and wait and there were banks of chairs.
Alipay and wechatpay have taken over from cash here, not much cash is used anymore.

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