Sunday 17 December 2017

Ha! Found the old Fizz Pizza

Today being Sunday and wanting a long walk it was proposed that we would go by bus to the big shopping centre, have lunch then walk home. Due to Sunday also and likey to be busy we decided to wait until 12 before making a move.

No all prepations go to plan as there was a line up outside if Puzza Hut, not very big but the line is just inside the door coming in and every time someone walked in there they brought a blast if cold air with them and seeing it was 6 degrees today, we moved on.

We had seen a sign for Fizz Pizza and a 1 so we started looking and found ourselves outside and there is was over looking the canal.

They were busy but found a table for ys and proceeded to clean it off. Menu was much the same but now the orders and ticked onto the menu, we chose mushroom soup, a serve of chips, large pizza ans a hot cocoa. It was delicious!
Waiting, been served hot water.
Chips in a basket with tomato sauce on the side.
The menu and order which also the bill.

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