Wednesday 27 December 2017

An electric car?

This was outside on the footpath, it is new. We looked all around it and even in it. There was no price, I even grabbed a paper that was rolled up in the front and no price on that either. How am I or anyone supposed to budget with no price showing.

Unlike at home, there was no one rushing out to sell it to us. It is like an electric bike but with a body built around it. I wanted to know how much it was so I headed into the store. There was absolutely noone in sight, so I couldnt ask. Warren told I was nuts but I was confident I could ask and tell them that I was just looking.

There was room for the driver and a small seat at the back plenty of room for me. Warren seemed to think that it would have to be registered but we dont know. I am determined to find out though.  It does have three wheels like Mr beans the ones that he hates and runs off the road.

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