Monday 4 December 2017

Turkey dinner

For thankgiving, not that we celebrate it in Australia, we were invited to a turkey dinner with other foreigners. We were quite happy to oblige.

The restaurant was not far from here (where we are living) but we did not feel confident about getting there by taxi so we allowed an hour as we had to catch two buses.

It was a good night, eleven of us, very multi cultural Aussies, Canadians, Americans, Chinese and Jamacians. Turkey was prepared by a Chinese couple who had never cooked turkey before. It was served with corn, mashed potatoes, green beans and sweet potatoes followed by apple pie, definately yum.
At the end of the night, taxis were hard to come by so we walked, took about 40 minutes, nice night for a walk and we needed the exercise. Oh he also made two gravies, one was a cranberry gravy, oh dear I could have just eaten that, it was divine.
Cost was 80 rmb each or less than $10

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