Tuesday 26 December 2017

Rubbish Street

This was a street across from where we lived. Just about anything could be bought there cheaply. Lots of food vendors for lunch and dinner, many carts used to come just at meal times. It was a busy place and many students used to go there. There was a great market for fruit and vegetables at the end. Butchers with their meat at one end, ebikes and bicycles riding through the throng of customers trying to get the best price for their purchases.

It was also a short cut through to the bottom of the main streets.

Sadly like many places in China, it has been demolished both ends have been sealed off. We visited the new f @v market further along the street and we think that many of the vendors have moved in there. Although we did not see our friendly butcher who more often that not would be chopping up fresh meat with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Ahhh, those were the good old days.

Here is Rubbish street today, I dare say that new apartment blocks will soon raise from the depths. A subway/metro is being built within the city and it will be a quick trip to Hangzhou and even Shanghai so more housing being built is normal. I miss the quirky little street and wonder where the people who lived there have gone.

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