Monday 11 December 2017

Post Office and Perfume

Not usually put together but that was what we were shopping for today. Well, I had postcards to send and the perfume is an ongoing thing.
At home I usually have two or three different perfumes on the go at the same time and depending on my mood in the morning, depends on which one I use. I packed a small one to come not realising how low it was getting and of course it run out a few days ago. No problem, they used to be Avon stores here where i used to buy perfume and deodorant if and when I needed it. They are gone. No problem , I will go to Watsons the chemist, arrg plenty of face  creams skin whiteners etc etc. Nothing at supermarkets, even went into a couple of beauty places, nothing. I was destined to go perfume less!

We caught the no 30 bus, its the closest and less crowded, it did mean that we had further to walk once in the city but as we hadnt been for our normal walk about that was fine. The PO has shrunk its now only a third the size, and there were chairs at the counter. I found out why, people take so .long to do their stuff, if they have a parcel to send there is about four pieces of document to fill in and they do it there, regardless if who or how many are waiting.

Finally my turn, i had my postcards ready with Australia written in characters and a note ready to pay. I tell the girl that I have six for Australia, in my best Chinese, she looks at me and asks Hong Kong? What! Before I could respond the girl alongside of her tells her Australia she understood me!  Girl proceeded to count the post cards three times and even weighed each one! On a calculator she shows me how much, 4.5y each just under a dollar.

Walking along and just missed a home going bus but spied a store selling beanies and socks plus bottles and creams so we filled in some time, we had to wait for the next bus anyway, hummm some bottles look suspiciously like perfume bottles. Yes, they were, it was a Japanese store, new to me and i selected one, they were all 20y $4.

Warren was able to buy a speaker for his computer, the speakers for movie watching is not that good so the new speaker should improve things a bit.
A successful day, postcards posted, perfume bought and speakers which we didnt know we wanted/needed. A longish walk plus washing done and other housework done.

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