Friday 8 December 2017


We waved our friends goodbye this morning and it was very cold outside waiting for the bus, I checked the temperature and it was 7 degrees at 9.30 am.

I had a little bit of work to do so went across to school for a bit then Warren and I walked to the bus station, damn just missed one and it was a long ten minute wait for the next one. We were going to different places but wanted the same bus. When he pulled up and we got on, the driver checked with us where we wanted to go which was nice of him, our language skills were just enough to understand him.

I was going shopping to Au Chan and Warren was going to the new campus. I bought him a jacket and a vest and leg warmers. Then to KFC for lunch. The coffee cost more than the burger.
The time that I bought it 12.29, the girl circled the order number, 3214 and the number came up on a screen, I just had to tell her qif i was eating in or taking it away.  Lunwarmed me for awhile and then I got lazy and caught a cab home rather than walk to the bus. Taxi cost 13 rmb as opposed to .8rmb on the bus. All my other purchases were on sale so I didnt feel too bad about spending the money on a taxi.

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