Sunday 2 October 2016

Roast Lamb

Yum! Not often I buy a leg of lamb to roast but the last time I bought a pack of meat from Costco (it was $79 for almost 10 kilos of meat) there was a roast under the chops.

Decided to go old style and cook a roast for Sunday dinner (evening meal not lunch!) It was great nice and tender and I cooked roast vegetables to go with it.

A roast is great for a family but for the two of us, its a lot of meat.
Sunday night, hot with vege and gravy.
Monday and Tuesday lunch was sandwiches with gravy, very unusual for us to have sandwiches.
Monday night I minced some meat with spinach and carrots and then topped it with mashed potato, my version of Shepherds pie.

Tuesday I made sausage rolls from the left over Shepherds pie, ready to take to our kayaking picnic on Wednesday and Lucy had the bone.
The font two are the meat ones and the other two rolls had spinach and feta in them none came home from the picnic.

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