Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Christmas is coming!

I know because of all the junk mail (advertising material) that arrived in our mail box today. It has been slowly building but there was a massive lot today.

Warren usually flicks through it and I usually give it the flick, thinking that i can spend enough money without looking at them and seeing what is on offer but today I weakened and "studied" them.

Oh boy, there were all four supermarkets, Bunnings had a booklet, there were approx six  from toy stores, two liquor stores, JB HiFi, two from electrical stores, three advertising new linen, camping stores. The only ones that I don't think was there were jewellery stores.

Our kayaks were in there for $5 cheaper than what we paid then I realised that ours are rated p to 140 kgs, where as the advertised ones were only up to 100 kgs, what a relief!

Two or three lots like today and our recycling bin starts to fill.

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