Tuesday 11 October 2016

Dog Food

Now that Lucy is with us, I have been making her food as I find tinned dog food is yuk. It smells and also causes smells and more volume at the end result without being too gross.

She has pellets or dry food in the mornings and as a treat, a girl at Pet Barn suggested using a drink bottle when empty and clean/dry to put some pellets in, then giving it to her as a toy. She needs to throw it around to get the pellets out. I just gave her one this morning, she does squash them after she has emptied it, its an easy thing then to pick up and throw into the bin.

I dont have a recipe as such for her food but I cook some rice usually about a cup, then mince and vegetables.
This is some of her food ready for the freezer, one of these bowls is enough for three or four meals. I add a couple of eggs as well and this batch has a tin of tomatoes added too.

Lucy is getting very long when she stretches out.

She gets a chewy bone every two or three days which keeps her amused.

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