Saturday 8 October 2016

Blasted Supermarkets!

Had a busy morning and I needed to go to the library and pick up some groceries. It was almost lunch time when I left home but it wasn't going to take long as after all, I have been shopping there for some time and I know where things are, that I want!

Ha! there is where I got annoyed. Library visit didn't take long, I do use the self serve there , (I refuse to use self serve at supermarkets) checked my books in and did a quick raid, checked out and was on my way home.

Dropped into the small supermarket, its close to home and while not one of the big ones, it has everything that I need. My list, yeah, I actually had a list today! was small mainly fruit and vegetables although Warren had asked me to buy some more cereal for him if I saw it.

Weighed out bananas and apples, picked up a bag of spinach and moved on to the aisle with the cereal which now holds a huge selection of nuts, oh well cereal next week. Some yoghurt mix as I didnt know how many we had at home and we use roughly three packs a fortnight. Nuh, again, they were not in their spot. I asked a young guy who was packing shelves, poor buggar, he looked unsure and then then suggested that i look in the freezer/fridge area. As the mix I wanted is not a fridge item, I didnt think it would be there but I did look there.At lest he did try to help.

The other thing I was looking for was cream cheese as I wanted to make some dips, went to the fridge whee they had been kept, no another reshuffle but I did find some pre made one 50% off so I picked up two and left for home.

I will have to take longer to look for the other things. One of the reasons I shop thee is because I know (or used to know) where things that I regularly buy. I suppose it does mean that shoppers o to different areas of the store.  Ha! a plus by leaving those things in the store was that my weekly bill was lower.

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