Thursday 27 October 2016

Bush Camping

Warren wanted to stay at Mendoran and had plotted it into the Gps. He had told me that there were only cold showers there. Yep, thats okay I could go without a shower for one night, too cold to have a cold one.

As I was doing the last stint of driving, he informs me that there would be no power either. WHAT! No power! Then I thought about it, we had battery lights and we have camp stoves in the camper. There would be no fridge but we didnt have much for the fridge anyway and during the day the food is in the car fridge.

No internet for our device but our phones have data so all good. Toilets? I ask oh yes he said. Then tells me that it is a free camp.

When we arrive, there were about 20 vans of all types and shapes. Yes there was one toilet but it was flushing.

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