Friday 21 October 2016

Back Pain

Is a pain! Last night I suddenly got an ache in the back, lower back muscle. Oh boy, how painful and suddenly one becomes very dependant on ones partner.
I thi k it was caused by everything is lower in the camper van, the fridge is on ground level and I know I put the items from the car fridge into the vanfridge around that time I have been suffering.

Our bed is one step up oh my, did that take some negotiating!  Then there is going to the toilet at a caravan park and everything takes twice as long to do. I did receive a couple of massages which helped.

Trying to turn over in bed it was rather than a three point turn it was more like a ten or twelve point turn!

It wasnt quite as painful this morning and once in the shower I had the hot water run over the area for some time, then it was time to get dressed. What fun that was, one leg into knickers was fine but the second leg, not a chance. After two attempts, I placed them on the floor (on my towel) and hoisted them into place with left side, once the left side was up the other side just had to follow. Luckily putting on my long pants was much easier but I felt as though I had gone three rounds in a boxing ring, (just not sure who with)

I did my two stints at driving, I got the roadworks, the detours and the slow wide trucks that I couldnt get past, Warren said all I needed was rain ( it often rains on long hauls when its my turn to drive)

I did take the opportunity to walk around at our rest stops and that has seemed to ease my back ache, I am sure that it will be better tomorrow, one can only hope!

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