Sunday 22 November 2015

A rainy day at the beach

Yesterday was extremely hot, we had two grand-kids staying the weekend but I didn't want them going outside in the heat. Today was cooler and we decided to go to the beach for lunch where they could have some fun and run off some energy.

As we drove away from home, it started to rain but we didn't want to disappoint any one so we kept going fifteen minute later the rain was heavier, its a 30 to 35 minute trip. we consoled ourselves that there was a large patio type building to shelter under while we had lunch.

Five minutes away and there was no rain yippee! A mild warm day, we had some time playing in and around the water before lunch arrived.
A family meal, we had eaten some before I thought to get the camera out. Surprise surprise we couldn't fit it all in, so a couple of potato cakes and a few chips were banished to the bin.
Then it was off to the playground.
We were lucky that it did not rain while we were there but it rained going and coming home and it had rained at home quite a lot, sometimes it is just luck.

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