Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Finished tote bag

I saw some material when I was last at Spotlight and thought that it would make an ideal tote bag for my Heart sister in New Zealand. I bought a metre of it and then trolled the internet for a pattern.
I liked this pattern and so I bought it, I think it was $8 on-line but I figured that I would get good use out of it. The beauty of buying it on-line is that the pattern is available almost immediately.
Oh My Goodness, 42 pages of pattern and instructions. I have been sewing for years but some of this I could not make head nor tail from it. There were patterns for some and not for others just measurements.
This was where I had got up to before Nano started and it has been at a stand still with just the top to put in and the handle. I am sure there were many more zips as part of this than I put in but i was happy with a zip on the side, a pocket inside and a zip to close it.

Writing went very well today and I did over two and a half thousand words before lunch so I took some time off to sew and get this finished.
This is the top view and now the finished article.
Very happy with it. I hope she is as well. She loves bright colours, the panel is brighter than it looks in the picture, for durability I put the black with it as shopping bags do tend to get dirty. I haven't shown the inside but it is a light fawn which makes it easier to find things. keys are on the outside and phone on the inside pocket.
Now that I have made one i will make myself one as well, not with the same material though, after working on it for so long i am over that fabric.

Over 43 thousand words to date 7000 to go and six days. I will probably write some more tonight.

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