Saturday, 7 November 2015

Broken Glass

I was making a white sauce the other night. I usually make it in a saucepan on the stove top but I got a bit lazy or smart and decided to make it in the microwave. I have made gravy and jellies in the MW but not usually white sauce.

I got out my trusty glass jug and put some butter in it and set it to about a minute, I figured that would be enough to melt the butter. I was at the sink facing away from the MW when I heard a loud noise. At first I thought it was thunder again. There have several storms around lately. I turned back to the MW to continue with the sauce, opened the door to see the glass jug in three big pieces. The glass was quite thick so I don't know why it broke but break it did. So I had to clean it up and make sure there were no small pieces still there. I then used a plastic jug to make the sauce but it wasn't the same. Think I will go back to the old fashioned way of making my sauce.

day seven of nanowrimo and I am up to 11920 words, by the end of today the quota is 11167 so I am in front and hoping to keep that way.

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