Sunday 29 November 2015

Yippee! Finished!

I finished my novel/book at 4.15pm and then my phone dings with a congratulatory email from the organisation in America. At the end of writing once writers have reached the 50K, they need to copy and paste into a screen to validate it. I had 50103 words on my computer but they granted me with 50122 words.

I don't care, its done and I am a winner! My winner's T shirt arrived on Thursday and now I can wear it.
The picture is the front of the T-shirt.

The ABC's of Aging (title of my book) was daunting and a few times I wondered if I could pull it off but its now done and I wont look at it again until Jan some time to do any editing that it needs.
I enjoy the writing but it does take time to do it, for me at least two and a half hours each day to get the 1667 words, depending on whats in my head. I had to take a break this afternoon with 230 to go and then another break with just 50 words then I sat and wrote 200 in one session and got it DONE!

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